School Policies: Absent, Tardy, and After School Permission

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The safety of your child(ren) is of the utmost importance.  It is with that in mind that we’d like to pass along these friendly reminders regarding absences, early dismissals, change in dismissals, and tardiness:

  • In cases of absence, early dismissal, change in dismissal, or tardiness, emailing or notifying only the teacher is not sufficient.  The office must be made aware as well via written note or phone call.  In many cases, teachers may not check email until later in the day, or there may be a substitute in which case the office would remain unaware of changes in your students schedule. Please call or email the school office with any changes.
  • Please call in absences and tardies by 8am.  If your child is unaccounted for by 8am, you will receive a phone call from the school office.  You may call and leave a message the night before.
  • Please use the After-School Permission Slip for after school activities or changes in your child’s dismissal.  A legible after-school permission slip must be submitted EVERY time your child has an after school activity. Please refrain from submitting multiple days worth of forms at one time.
  • The school office should also be made aware of absences due to vacations.  Parents/guardians should notify the teacher and the school office in writing or a phone call at least one week prior to the trip.  Furthermore, if parents/guardians will be out of town and your student will be in another adults care, please notify the office with contact information in case of an emergency.

For more information, you can review our policies from the student handbook below.  As always, please feel free to contact the school office with any questions.


It is important to be punctual and in regular attendance in order to receive the maximum benefits a St. Michael’s educational program.  Please note the following:

In case of a student’s absence, parent/guardian must call the school office (708-349-0068) before 8:00 a.m. each day the student is absent.  Requests for homework must be made at this time.  Requests after 8:00 a.m. will not be honored.  If requested, homework must be picked up in the school office prior to 3:00 p.m.  Homework may also be sent to another student to be brought home.  Junior High homework will be available on the webpage.


Change in Dismissal
If a student is to return home in some way other than that which is listed on the emergency card, the school must be notified in writing.  The office cannot field daily calls from parents who wish to change their child’s transportation.  Your child’s safety is our number one concern and a phone call rather than a written note leaves more room for error.


Early Dismissal
If a student is to leave school before the time of regular dismissal, a written request to the teacher and to the office from their parent/guardian must be submitted.  The student must be signed out at the office before he/she will be released.